Perioperative Considerations in Dentistry

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Instructors: Alexander M. Reiter, Dipl. Tzt., Dr. med. vet., Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC, FF-AVDC-OMFS

Sponsoring Organization: VDOS Consulting (
Program Location: Online
Dates: 06/07/2020 to 06/07/2020
Format: Webinar
Wet-Lab: No
Cost: $29.99

AVDC Sponsored: No
"AVDC Sponsored" indicates that the program content and presenters have been selected by the AVDC Education and Programs Committee.

AVDC Approved: No
"AVDC Approved" indicates that the program has been approved by AVDC for specialist training hours for AVDC-registered residents.

Perioperative Considerations in Dentistry Jun 07, 2:30 PM – 4:20 PM GMT Unsure about whether something is normal or abnormal in the mouth? Ever heard about postoperative blindness or trigeminocardiac reflex? Do you know how to make a tape muzzle or place a feeding tube? This webinar will review the most common perioperative complications during dental and oral surgery procedures, including neurological deficits, tracheal injury, oral/oropharyngeal edema, iatrogenic foreign body, ocular and orbital injury, trigeminocardiac reflex, bleeding, emphysema and embolism, and vomiting and regurgitation. Fabrication of tape muzzles and placement of feeding tubes will also be discussed. The didactic lecture will last 1.5 hours, but the webinar is designed so that there is extra time for interactive participation and answering your questions.
