Power Scalers from A-Z

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Instructors: Jeanette Hernandez-Eliason CVT, RDH

Sponsoring Organization: University of Pennsylvania
Program Location: Veterinary Hospital, University of Pennsylvania
Dates: 02/17/2017 to 02/17/2017
Format: Lecture and wet-lab
Wet-Lab: Yes
Cost: 295

AVDC Sponsored: No
"AVDC Sponsored" indicates that the program content and presenters have been selected by the AVDC Education and Programs Committee.

AVDC Approved: No
"AVDC Approved" indicates that the program has been approved by AVDC for specialist training hours for AVDC-registered residents.

Discipline(s): Periodontics

Many types of power scalers are available on the market today including sonic, magnetostrictive and piezoelectric. They are essential tools used in veterinary dentistry to perform nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Along with hand instrumentation, power scalers are used to effectively perform professional cleanings on a routine basis. Proper use of power scalers requires knowledge and specific clinical skills in order to achieve thorough debridement and improved tissue health. “Power Scalers from A-Z” will include a review of the evolution of power scalers, types and mechanism of action, tip selection, and proper use.  A wet-lab will follow to demonstrate and practice proper technique and clinical safety for both the patient and professional dental staff. 

For more information including reservations or seat availability, or to create workshops of topics tailored to the needs of your clinic, please contact Jeanette Hernandez Eliason or Wendi Rensman at jeanettm@upenn.edu, wendir@upenn.edu or 215-573-6540.

Seats will be reserved only upon receipt of payment by check made payable to "Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania" and mailed to:

Jeanette Hernandez-Eliason, CVT, RDH

Dentistry and Oral Surgery

Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

3900 Delancey Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Contact: Jeanette Hernandez-Eliason; jeanettm@upenn.edu, 215-573-6540